Thursday 29 January 2015

Gothic Architecture & Notre-Dame

Chris Brooks (1999). The Gothic Revival . London: Phaidon Press Limited. 10-14.

Michael Fazio, Marian Moffett, Lawerence Wodehouse (2013). A World History Of Architecture. 3rd ed. London: Laurence King Publishing Ltd. 214-220.

V&A. (2014). Gothic Architecture. Available: Last accessed 30 Jan

"Gothic Church Architecture". 2014. Web. :

Inside the Notre-Dame
The architecture of Europe had no style at first and although there was some changes it had no style and had no name for it. The name 'Gothic' was first applied in the seventeenth century for the designs that were not followed by the rest of the classic architecture. The key elements in the Gothic style are the pointed arch and the rib vault. These elements were often used in large churches and cathedrals especially in Paris in the beginning which was then rapidly taken up by England in two famous buildings, Canterbury Cathedral and Westminster Abbey where the royal coronations took place. English Gothic buildings started to add their on decorations to the designs. The gothic architecture is beautiful, it is art. It shows so much skill and designs and it is inspirational.  

The cathedrals were build for a place of worship and God. They were made to give people peace, to make them feel loves and give them a sense of heaven. Just like gothic novels, gothic architecture makes a person feel in awe, it gives them a different sense of feeling as it is so mysterious but beautiful at the same time it makes the audience wonder and ask questions and want to find the answers. Architecture was the most important way of showing art in the Gothic period.

I went on a trip with the Solent school of fashion to Paris and the place that I enjoyed visiting the most was the famous gothic cathedral, Notre-Dame which is over 800 years old. It is one of the most famous gothic cathederals. The cathedral of Notre-Dame began in 1155 to replace an older structure. 

Shot from outisde of Notre-Dame

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