Wednesday 18 March 2015

Claudia Quentin, They are in Love?

Claudia Quentin, They are in Love?

For this part of our project we are going to design characters for Claudia and Quentin developing our design skills as well as developing characters, referencing to Gothic Horror throughout for inspiration. 
Claudia and Quentin will have to be linked in with the TV Series that we chose which in my case is American Horror Story. 
We will explore the mood, title, genre, cast and tone of the programme. 

Claudia is a girl in her twenties. As a child she was left alone to develop with little parental guidance and through her relationship with T.V. movies developed an unhealthy relationship with Horror films, believing this to be the way life really is.
 All the scenes take place in various parts of Claudia’s apartment, which is European in style with a great deal of kitsch décor. She is agoraphobic and is kept in touch with the outside world by her neighbours who provide her with her every day requirements.  She models herself on a variety of girls often twisting her look to suit whichever film she is watching at the time and there is often a nod to the main character in the current film within her appearance. 
The script portrays her as psychotic and there is always the feeling that although her character is scripted/can be seen as humorous, danger is just around the corner.   However all this is normal to Claudia and she is of a cheerful disposition in this mad world of hers.

Developing Claudia, my interpretation.

Name : Claudia Bryon    :Fantasy name : Claudia Alastor 
Age    : 24
Hair : Black, long 
Eyes : Black 
Height : 5ft10
Weight : 55kg


Books : American Gothic, The Monk a Romance, Carmilla
Films : Psycho, The shining

-  Claudia since a child has had no one to show her love. Although she has lived in a house with parents, she has never experienced love and nurturing but not because her parents didn't love her.  This made Claudia take comfort in watching films because she felt a connection with the actors, it made her get away into her own world. It was a way to escape her loneliness, everything that was bothering her a way to make friends which is why she kept it a secret. In front of her parents Claudia acted normal but when she was on her own she felt as if she was in a horror film. 
Claudia was insecure because no one had ever paid attention to her so make up and costumes made her feel confident as it does for any girl but in a weird way. Claudia will wear a costume from her favourite film and pretend she is the girl from it, she will act and talk in a complete different way. 

It was at the age of 13 that Claudia started to develop and obsession with films, but not just any films. Horror films. Of course at the age of 13 she was not allowed to watch them, however whenever her parents were at work Claudia would sneak in to their room put on a scary film and watch it over and over again until they came home. She found murder scenes fascinating, she felt goosebumps in her body when she saw the killer approaching and instead of being scared Claudia felt pleasured. It pleasured her to watch something that was not allowed, that made her skin crawl.....
At the age of 18 Claudia's obsession grew even more as she went from getting into her own world when watching a horror film to being in her own world all the time thinking as if it is a scary film, she would take clowns and leave them by her little sisters door to scare her, she would make scary noises to frighten her neighbours Claudia's life started to go even more downhill when she realised everyone around her had a boyfriend. This made her feel extremely lonely, when she would see couples holding hands, couples in films. She started to wonder what was really wrong with her and by her twenties she started to create her own horror movie staring her as the main actor and also an imaginary boyfriend named Quentin. 


Claudia has an imaginary boyfriend, Quentin, who is long suffering and a constant disappointment to her. They don’t live together but he visits regularly and they talk on the telephone if he can’t get in to see her. As he is part of her imagination his appearance changes to suit her mood. Sometimes he will be a David Beckham looking guy, whilst in another scene he will appear as a Pete Docherty type, Daniel Craig type or a Hollyoaks Babe. If she is having a bad day he will morph into an uncouth couch potato chav with all that brings with it.

He is as into the horror film genre as she and into role-playing to suit her whims and moods.
Claudia has a paranoid suspicion that he is constantly having affairs behind her back and keeps him firmly under her thumb, sometimes restraining him or keeping him prisoner in one of the rooms.

Developing Quentin 

Growing up feeling lonely and abandoned Claudia soon became fixated on her own little world and that she could do anything she wanted with it. In her twenties she had a desire for a boyfriend and created Quentin. At first everything was going great, Quentin gave Claudia everything in which she never had. He complimented her, watched horror films with her etc. but after a while Claudia realised that Quentin did not fill the whole that she was missing, he didn't cure her of her loneliness he only made it worse. A way Claudia tried to deal with it was by making Quentin into different characters. 

 The perfect man who took care of Claudia, he fulfilled all her needs but not wants. Quentin made Claudia fall in love with her as he was the strong man in the relationship who took control. In the case of this Quentin Claudia became extremely jealous and protective over their relationship. She did not let him watch any films without her in case he developed a secret relationship with the characters, she did not let him go outside without her or talk to anyone she kept Quentin as a puppet. When he failed to make her happy even after doing everything as told this is when the psychosis began. This was because it was her imaginary world she could make up anything she wanted so why was she not happy with him. Their relationship was very strange it was very intimate but it would go from massive arguments with throwing things around to Claudia begging for Quentins forgiveness whilst crying. 

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